03 November, 2011

Isle of Night (The Watchers #1) by Veronica Wolff

Isle of Night (The Watchers, #1)

Isle of Night (The Watchers #1) by Veronica WolffInformation.302 pages.
Published 6th Sep 2011/NAL Trade.
“When Annelise meets dark and seductive Ronan, he promises her a new life-if she has the courage to chance the unknown. Now, she’s whisked away to a mysterious island and pitted against other female recruits to become a Watcher-girls who are partnered with vampires and assist them in their missions. To survive and become a Watcher, Annelise has to beat out every other girl, but she’s determined to do so, because to fail doesn’t mean dishonor-it means death.” – Isle of Night Watchers Blurb.
Review.Isle of Night is a very intriguing book. The book as well as the cover is very intriguing.  I will admit though, I am hesitant to read Vampire books because they can be very hit and miss but Isle of Night, in complete honesty was neither a hit or a miss. It was just okay.
Annelise or Drew, as she prefers is a intelligent borderline genius 17 year old girl, with a dead beat Dad, a dead Mother and a very unwanted Step-Mother. She wants out and she wants it as fast as she can and that’s what she finds when she meets Ronan. Dreamy, irresistible Ronan. Maybe to dreamy and irresistible.
The book at the beginning is a little slow paced I will warn in the first two or three chapters. Once into it though, it is quite fast paced and full of girl on girl action.
The plot of Isle of Night is refreshing in it’s own ways. It sounds like The Hunger Gamesand although they show similarities to the extent that they are both about surviving and fighting to the death, the plot for Isle of Night is quite original.  The plot did not center around Vampires like I thought it would so that made me like the book a little more.
The characters in this book were definitely nothing to get excited about. Drew, was a character who I could not connect with on any level. She was stubborn and not in the good way. For a girl who was meant to be a genius, her actions were anything but intelligent in some areas of the book. She did not even think intelligently which for me was the Author’s mistake.
The boys in the book were a little more entertaining, mainly Yasuo. I loved Yas, that is all. Ronan for me seemed a little too one dimensional, like Lilac. Lilac in the novel got more interesting as the book when on, and in some places I thought, this might be more entertaining if it was from Lilac’s point of view. However, Lilac’s and Drew’s rivalry was really monotonous throughout the book.
There is little romance in this book, which seems to be building up for the sequel.
I will read the sequel, mainly because I have a theory on Drew which I want to find out if it is true or not.
Isle of Night was an average book, which is not a great start for a series. It isn’t boring or lagging but it just doesn’t have the wow factor I hope for out of a book.
Rating: 3/5.


  1. I'm sorry this book left such a neutral feeling for you. I actually really loved the premise of this book. It really did remind me of a twist of Vampire Academy and The Hunger Games. Sometimes a plot driven action packed read is enough for me though. I will admit that I was extremely frustrated with Drew, particularly in the beginning of the book. Like you said, for someone who is supposed to be such a genius she made some really stupid decisions. I'm hoping the story will pick up for you in the sequel!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  2. Thanks for the review, I haven't heard much about this book previously. Shame it didn't have the wow factor but hopefully it picks up in the sequel! I'm a new follower :)

    Amy @ Following The Reader
