18 July, 2012

Elemental by Emily White

Elemental (Elemental Trilogy, #1)Name: Elemental (Elemental Trilogy #1) by Emily White 
Pages: 260.
Publication: 5th June 2012/Spencer Hill Press.
Buy It: Amazon | Kennys

"Just because Ella can burn someone to the ground with her mind doesn't mean she should. 

But she wants to. 

For ten years—ever since she was a small child—Ella has been held prisoner on an interstellar starship. Now that she has escaped, she needs answers.

Who is she? Why was she taken? And who is the boy with the beautiful green eyes who haunts her memories?
Is Ella the prophesied Destructor… or will she be the one who's destroyed?"

Looking at the reviews of Elemental, many of them are at the four and five star mark. I feel as if I am reading a different book. When I first began Elemental, I was disappointed because I was expected something completely different. I got over that and began reading the book with a blank opinion and it turns out that I did not enjoy reading Elemental.

Elemental is confusing. I found it very hard to follow all the different races, species or was it religions? I am honestly not sure. I read through the book feeling as if I was missing something because the whole race/species/religion thing just did not make sense.

None of the characters in Elemental are special. Ella, who has been held captive for ten years adapted to her new life too fast in my opinion. I get it though, the book is only 260 pages so White does not have the space for realistic pacing. Ella is quite a bland character. She has no personality in the book.

All the relationships in Elemental also moved to fast for me. Between Ella and Meir, Ella and Cailen, not so much Ella and Malik.  

I think what annoyed me the most was the ending and who was the traitor. I felt myself sighing because they were the only character I enjoyed throughout the story.

Final Thought.
Overall, Elemental was disappointing for me. It turned out to be completely different to what I expected. As it is, it did not enthrall me in any way.

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