06 November, 2011

Forbidden (The Demon Trappers #2) by Jana Oliver

Forbidden (The Demon Trappers, #2)
Forbidden (The Demon Trappers #2) by Jana Oliver 

416 pages.

Publication: August 5th 2011.

Riley's  demon trapper life isn't what it's cracked up to be. Her dad's been stolen by a necromancer, her boyfriend's seems to believe that Riley's in team with the demon and she seems to be attracted a boy she really shouldn't be.  The Trapper's are hanging on by a thread and are having issues with The Demon Hunters.Riley feels like giving it all up but that's not option because the demon's are after Riley and maybe they aren't the only ones.

What a first class sequel! I loved it. These books are for sure on the top of my favourite series list. 

The plot compared to the first book was less action packed. Forbidden was generically a filler book, but a fantastic filler book. Yet, it's a filler book that really moves along whole series's plot which is what a good book should do.

I preferred Riley in the first book. She had be moments in the book where she was really whiny , mainly because her life is falling apart (which is a good reason I suppose). She also made some very irrational and ignorant decision throughout the book. However, I still really like her because she's headstrong, stubborn and ambitious. Although, she does end up being a damsel in distress, usually by accident though!
I have great love for Beck, great great love. The southern trapper, however, is on  one self-destructive path and I really hope that in the next book he doesn't bring Riley and other with him on this path. He like Riley, made some bad decisions. Yet, there is a part of me that cannot be angry because I believe his guilt and his unwanted attraction to Riley is bearing a very heavy weight on him, and not forgetting all the demons.

Riley's love isn't going to well for her either. Simon is putting his faith before anything else and Riley fears that her deal made to save Simon's life is the reason for this new Simon. Riley's distracted too, not by faith however, but by the brooding and mysterious Ori who just always seems to be at the right place at the right time. Throw in Beck as well, acting like an over protective brother. Luckily she has Peter, who in this book, is a more in-depth character. Oliver has a added a new dimension to Peter and I really like his character. 

I love Oliver's writing style. It is fluid and easy to read yet in no way boring.  She wraps Forbidden up in great way with an amazing closing scene which make you want to run to Oliver and BEG for the third book.

Rating: 4.5/5

1 comment:

  1. The book sounds very interesting! I've heard good things about the first book. Thank you for sharing!

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